Hey I'm writing about the last year Sports camp, that we had in 2008.
Last year we went to sports camp it was fun. At sports camp, we obviously
played sports,,touch, rugby,soft ball, basket ball,
net ball,cricket,swimming,sprints,indoor hockey,indoor soccer,
wall ball, scram ball and croquet..... There were more sports but
i cant remember them so yeah.
Last year we had like 40 people come to sports camp, 20 year eights,
and 20 year sevens.(i was a year seven last year so i know what its like)
The people we have to thank is Mr O'Rourke, for letting us go,
Matua Daryl, and Mr Apperley for taking us, and last but not least
Mrs Hartley for picking people to go to sports camp,(well she has
to pick people because she's our academy leader.)
These people went to sports camp last year.......

Me Me & Me!!!


Academy: Challenge


school:kaitao middle school

Fave colours:
Pink, red,blue yellow,and green

Netball, soccer,volley ball...

Teachers in challenge:
Matua Daryl,
Miss Hartley,whaea Tracy and whaea Rea

one brother and two sister

Fave foods:
butter chicken and chips

Fave movies:
Harry Potter movies

Dannielle,Autumn,Eron, Kiana, Mr Apperley,
Jaysha,Cheyanne,Monique,two Taylor's

My friends...=)

This is some girls in my class trying
to be funny.....ha ha ha don't they
look funny.....=)

Challenge Academy Noho Marae

Hey my name is Sommer and this my Blog.I'm in Challenge Academy and im proud to be. On March the 23rd, Challenge year 8's went to Noho marae. The marae is called Tunohopu.
We stayed at the Marae for three days and two nights. When we arrived at the Marae, we got welcomed on.
We had to stay in our uniforms, until dinner time because we were going to go to the Rotorua museum.
When we got back from the museum, Mrs. Hartley (the challenge academy leader) wanted a meeting with us. The reason being was because she wanted a meeting, was because she was going to put us in our
technology groups. The next day,we had our tech stuff. For our technology stuff we done.....
computer work, flax weaving, craft,pumas carving, gizer explosions. After we done all our tech
stuff, we had lunch. Like oh my gosh,it was really nice and it was really yummy. (im talking about the food by the way). After our yummy lunch, we well i, got in to trouble from Mr. Apperley,
because i keep annoying him, so i had to do five press ups, but i didn't need to do my press up'safter all.The last day of our Noho Marae, we had to welcome the year sevens on, and after that we went on a Waka Ama boat trip thing on the lake front.The very last activity we done was go
swimming, at the aquatic centre, it was so c00l.The reason we went to the Tunohopu Marae,
was because we were learning about the history,and the signing of the treaty of Waitangi.

The boys doing the Taiaha

Go hard boys, give it your best>>>>>>>This is the challenge year eight boys learning the Taiaha, on our noho marae stay. Dont they look good...=)